12th October 2022

10 Questions with – Ibra Jagne

Ibra Jagne

Answering the questions this time is our U16s Grey coach and all round legend, Ibra.

(Needs to work on his joke skills though! But we will forgive him because he is a LEGEND!)

Q1). How long have you been coaching for?

A = Started coaching in the U.S. in 2000 about 22 years now

Q2). What made you start coaching?

A = Just passion for the game all round. Focused more on it towards the end of my playing career because of injuries. Its best the way of giving back. Sharing the little knowledge and experience we’ve gathered over the years

Q3). How do you prepare for match day?

A = Quite relaxed. Normally wake up early and try to get to the field before everyone lol. I try to come up with different ways of easing the pressure on players, keep the motivation high so they enjoy it more.

Q4). What team do you support?

A = Best team in the world MAN UTD!!

Q5). Favourite player and why (past or present)?

A = Real Ronaldo(Brazil) past.. Messi present

Q6). Best drill to do in training?

A = Loads of drills. Difficult to pick a favourite one

Q7). Messi or Ronaldo?

A = Messi ( love Ronaldo though as he is a MAN UTD legend)

Q8). If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why?

A = Pep Guardiola. I would love to see how he approaches training sessions and games. Also how he manages the best players on a personal level.

Q9). Best thing about FC Abbey Meads is…..

A = They have given me a platform to coach and have put up with me 8 years lol

Q10). Tell us your best joke 🙂

A = I’m awful at telling jokes. Thank you very SERIOUSLY lol